Marek Kvetan prezentuje novú priestorovú, zvukovú a taktiež svetelnú inštaláciu. Pokračuje v sledovaní línie striktne konceptuálneho myslenia, ale jeho dizajn jemne odbočuje z "objektivity" jeho práce k tradícií intervencie v priestoroch galérie zvukom a zároveň navádza návštevníkov, aby vnímali galériu ako priestor, v ktorom môžu zažiť zmyslový zážitok riadený umelcami.
Marek Kvetan is presenting a new spatial and sound as well as lighting installation at the exhibition. The artist continues to follow the line of strictly conceptual thinking, but his design gently deviates from the “objectivity” of his work towards the tradition of interventions in the gallery space by sound and guiding the viewer to perceive the gallery as an environment in which they experience sensory experience mediated by artists.