Výstava „Ride the Snake / He's Old and His Skin is Cold” prezentuje diela 8 umelcov/kýň. Namiesto galerijného prostredia je zasadená do enviromentu divokej záhrady a rodinného domu sochára Imricha Vaneka. Dom na bratislavskej Kolibe sa po jeho smrti v roku 2015 postupne transformuje na múzeum a rezidenčné centrum keramiky. Do interiéru sa prepisuje tvorba, exteriér ovláda neskrotná príroda. Tento zelený ostrov v centre mestskej zástavby tvorí uzavrterý „svet“, na ktorom jednotlivé diela vytvárajú dialóg s umelcovou tvorbou. Márny a každoročne fyzicky náročný boj so zeleňou, ktorá opakovane, cyklicky všetko pohlcuje, sa stal odrazom pre výstavný site specific projekt v kurátorskej koncepcii Erika Vilíma.
The exhibition “Ride the Snake / He’s Old and His Skin is Cold” presents works by eight artists. Instead of being set in a traditional gallery environment, it takes place in the wild garden and family home of sculptor Imrich Vanek. After his passing in 2015, the house in Bratislava’s Koliba district has been gradually transforming into a museum and a ceramic residency center. The interior reflects artistic creation, while the exterior is dominated by untamed nature.
This green island within the urban landscape forms a self-contained “world” where the exhibited works engage in dialogue with the artist’s own creations. The relentless and physically demanding yearly struggle against the ever-reclaiming greenery has become the inspiration for this site-specific exhibition, curated by Erik Vilím.