Názov Dizzeyland označuje rozporuplné miesto plné úzkostí a spôsobov relaxácie, kam sa vydávame, keď hľadáme zábavu, bezstarostnosť, pôžitok, pozitivitu atď. Toto hľadanie je metóda rozptýlenia, ktorá nás hádam dokáže doviesť k popretiu a k úplnému eskapizmu, navodiť znecitlivenie a tralala postoj uprostred rozpadajúceho sa sveta.
Pred vami sa nachádza vyvrcholenie umelkyninej snahy posledného roka, ktorá sa začala projektom SAFE HAVEN a čiastočne zmenila svoju trajektóriu v Paríži počas rezidencie v Cité Internationale des Arts koncom roka 2021, podporenej Vysokou školou výtvarných umení v Bratislave. Počas rezidencie sa jej umelecký výskum sústredil hlavne na hranice (ne)komfortu, zvládacie mechanizmy, populárne trendy v psychológii, na úzkosti a silu presvedčenia, ktoré viedli k ateliérovej výstave My Pinterest Vision Board I Have Yet to Manifest. Dizzeyland je pokračovaním tejto snahy.
The name Dizzeyland stands for an ambiguous place of anxieties and relaxation methods we go to when on a quest for fun, carefreeness, enjoyment, positivity etc. this quest is a distraction method which hopefully can lead us to denial and full on escapism, induced numbness and a Lala attitude in the mids of the world falling apart. The exhibition is a culmination of efforts made approximately in the past year which started developing within the SAFE HAVEN projects and slightly shifted their trajectory in Paris during Cite Internationale Des Arts residency in late 2021 which was supported by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava. During the residency, the research was mainly focused on boundaries of (dis)comfort, coping mechanisms, popular trends in psychology, anxieties and the power of beliefs, resulting in an open studio exhibition My Pinterest Vision Board I Have Yet To Manifest, Dizzeyland is a continuation of these efforts. Jelisaveta Rapaić (Belgrade, RS) is a cultural worker and a practicing artist, currently based in Bratislava, SR. Her artistic practice covers mediums such as video, installation, performance, textile and topics regarding learning, social contexts, work and therapy. She has gained her masters degree at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava at the department of Intermedia, studio VVV and her bachelors degree from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade at the department of design, studio of textile design. In recent years, she has been working behind the scene in art institutions, particularly in project and production management and new education approaches.