Reporty / LALALAND

LALALAND je anglický výraz, ktorý označuje bytie mimo reality. V tomto projekte má dvojaký význam. Spája v sebe stav počas párty, a zároveň stav klubových priestorov, ktoré boli počas pandémie v inom ako bežnom režime, či už zatvorené, alebo ponúkali iné využitie.

LALALAND je anglický výraz, ktorý označuje bytie mimo reality.

Reports / LALALAND

LALALAND is a term that describes the state of being out of reality. It has a double meaning in this project. It combines the state of mind which occurs while being at the party, and at the same time the state of the club environments, which were in a different than normal mode during the pandemic, either closed or offering other uses.

LALALAND is a term that describes the state of being out of reality.

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